*This little boy has had a ball in his hands since he could walk
*This little boy would snuggle on the couch watching basketball games with his Daddy
*This little boy held nightly basketball games and tournaments in our little apartment
*This little boy wrote about basketball games, players, and teams in his writer's workshop since Kinder
*This little boy learned how to count by 2's, 3's and do math by keeping score
*This little boy and his buddy Jace would dress up in Gary Payton and John Stockton jerseys and "do work" in the driveway
*This little boy's fave player is Chase Buddinger, he even wrote to Arizona's coach Kevin O'Neill...and got a response!
*This little boy (and his Dad) would be in tears after basketball games while discussing it in the car (still do)
*This little boy cheated on his March Madness bracket when his mom was beating him
*This little boy has spend hours upon hours in the gym, at camps, tournaments, training, workouts
*This little boy knows how to play the game inside and out.
*This little boy will beat you at trivia. He could hold a legitimate sports conversation at 5.
*This little boy is 6'3....just taller than his Daddy
*This little boy will only wear Nike/Jordan apparel
*This little boy can dunk a basketball
*This little boy is a Jr. at a 5A high school, playing V
*This little boy will be graduating next year
*This little boy is my baby, I will never get over what an amazing person he is.
This brings me to tears......This is how I will always picture my boy, Blake