Apr 15, 2017


We went to Victoria BC, which is one of my new fave places, for a little getaway during Spring break. We walked the shops and I had to stop at the Roots store....to get a  ROOTS T-shirt, obvi. How perfect. As I sat down to blog this morning..... prompted by Curt and I coming home to find cooper reading posts from our blog. We were laughing at the videos, reminiscing with "remember whens" and looking at the pictures.....I reflected on the growth. When Curt and I headed to bed, we both said, "how did that happen so fast?" Our little boys, now teens and a young adult! Oh, the growth my friends....oh, the growth.

One of the things Ive been asking myself during our moves is, can we say we have roots? When we meet new people and they ask, "where are you from?" I feel like I have to give them the whole spiel.....because we aren't JUST from Zillah/Yakima, or Utah, and then back to WA. Our career isn't JUST based on where we spent the last two years. We don't JUST move from places because we don't want to be there anymore. In fact, we have loved each experience and have learned and grown within each experience. We have been sad about leaving friends, family, jobs, relationships, teams, and fave activities, food, and entertainment spots.....all have created such rich and vivid memories that have molded us. These are our roots.

....I LOVE trees....all kinds. I love what they represent, I love their meaning, I love they beauty, I love what they provide, I love the environment they create, I love their change, their growth....all of it. I am so in love with the PNW because of this very reason. Most of all, I love what you can't see.....their roots. Their roots are what allows them to have all those characteristics that I love about them. When you see a tree, you don't wonder what their roots look like, or how far they extend, or the soil they are embedded in, or other roots they are intertwined with.....you don't know their spiel.

As we took this new journey, moving to Olympia... new jobs, new school/teams for the boys, new home and community.... I am reflecting on our roots and what we have created for our family. Having roots doesn't mean you have to be stationary or "from" a certain place. Having roots mean that we have experiences and paths that extend below the surface, where others may not see.

I am happy for the moments that strengthen our roots....

Feb 8, 2017

Im working on it!!!

I felt this was a good title, because it relates to literally everything in my life right now.....

Another move-house, transitions, area? Im working on it!
New jobs? Im working on it!
Home in tact? Im working on it!
Marriage? Im working on it!
Being there for the boys? Im working on it!
Physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy? Im working on it!
Engage in new school/community/relationships? Im working on it!
Family and Friends? Im working on it!

It's a good thing we have this thing called grace. Because..... I need it..... Im a work in progress. Sometimes receiving grace is hard to do. It's hard to believe and sometimes I allow doubt and fear to influence my "work in progress". That is not what is intended for me, or anyone. What is intended is a clear mind, free of guilt, fear, and doubt... and filled with the Spirit in love, trust, and grace.

I know that where I am at now, I am relying on the strength, faith, and influence of others who have been placed to speak life into my "work in progress." I am grateful for these people during this time. In times of worry and doubt, I repeat and read this prayer that a friend (one of "my highest people") shared with me, to fill my mind with the good. I hope it can help you in the midst of any fears and doubt and worry you may have.

"What are you trying to teach me through this? 
How can I glorify you during this time? I need you God, I need
your help. I need your comfort. I need your wisdom. I need
you to sustain me and help me find joy in the midst of the frustration
and the uncertainty. I can't do it without you. I know you are there and 
that you are faithful and that Im never alone. I trust you. I love you.
and I am thankful." 

Reading that does 3 important things for me. It 1) fills my mind with the good, not the bad. 2) reminds me that I need to be able to listen to follow the path intended for me. 3) assures me that I have the highest of people around me, speaking words of life. 

I am grateful for the space between these moments when I am "working on it!" Be happy for this moment, this moment is your life.