Oct 7, 2013

Cooper and Football

Two things I know were destined to be together. Playing baseball, Coop says, "Mom, what do you do when you're just not good at it?" So, he was done with that. Playing basketball Coop says, "Mom, why do they keep calling fouls on me?" I reply, "Well, you can't tackle them honey." So, he was done with that. "How about we play football?" Winning! Not the team, they stink, but Coop loves it and is working hard and improving with each game. I love watching him. I love football.

Moving On...

Blakes off to new experiences. It's been a true definition of bitter sweet.

What would a send off be without a homemade sushi night? I will miss our impromptu dates.

 When I came home from work.....this is what I came home to....emptiness :(

 Curtis was able to be home and see our boy off:)

As well as these two rascals on their first day of school.....love.