Jan 28, 2012

Chase is 12!

It's different when your second child turns 12. The first time you are thinking, "He is so old! One more year and he will be 13...a TEEN!" Now, Chase has arrived and I still think he is younger than he really is because Blake is the "old one." But, I can see the sense of humor get richer, the attitude thicker, and the independence initiated. But, one of the things that pulls on my heartstrings is his moving away from "little brother" and "little boys." He is making that separation, it's subtle, but I notice. He and Blake used to be the buddies....running around in their underwear showing off their muscles. Then Blake got too old (he still shows off his muscles though:) and Coop and Chase have been the buddies...still running around in their underwear. They still do things like WWE fight night, ninja, pillow jumping, and stair sledding. We are always hearing gut laughing, pounding, slapping, bouncing, crying and smashing coming from their general direction. They are brothers and have a love/hate relationship, but I sense Chase pulling away from the "littleness."

Here are my two, cute "little" boys.....We had a date at Wingers, Chases favorite place. I can't wait to take him to Buffalo Wild Wings, it just opened:)

Jan 21, 2012

Garbage Sack!

Billy and Blake

I have been thinking about these two a lot lately. Maybe because they will be seniors next year and the very thought makes me ball my eyes out! So happy and proud, but hard to process at times. Its a weird feeling and you will experience it too....mark my words and be prepared! I think to myself "did i soak up, enjoy, and take advantage of every opportunity?" Dont do that! You will kill yourself:)! Im trying to make sure I take those moments and be present for them....regardless of other things i have going on, or have on my mind, or other stressors and doubt I may have.... so I know that he got the best of me..... However crappy that is to start with:) Ha! Not saying i do everytime, because having and communicating with a teenager is like carrying around a garbage sack everywhere you go. We carry their burdens, we worry, we try to keep up, try to listen, offer whatever advice you can (at the right time of course)....You just wanna dump the sack..... Its already full! But you gotta sift through the trash and pull out those valuable items that may have been hidden. Deciding what those are and when to pull them out is difficult. Sometimes it makes a mess! But each time you do, your sack gets a little lighter and now you have that teenager throwing out the trash on their own. Also, If anyone else asks you to help carry something, you can say, "sorry, got this sack..." :):)

Jan 1, 2012

Top 11's......?

Top 11 moments of 2011
- Blake playing at the 4A state tourney
-Coop and Chase baptism
-Me, Blake and Curt going to San Francisco
-Chase getting student of the year
-Seattle trip to visit Liz
-Blake Homecoming
-Boys coming to school at Willow Canyon with me
-Trips to St. George and Bear Lake
-Watching Coops first REAL baseball game....cutest catcher ever!
-Snowboarding, for the first time, with my boys....even though I fractured my wrist! But, they loved it!
-Curt and I anniversary.....

Top 11 "things" of 2011
-my iphone...I friggin LOVE it!!!
-Sushi Night
-movies/tv-bridesmaids, horrible bosses, hangover 2, happy endings
-my itunes playlist
-etsy...just a little something I bought from etsy that is going up on my pictur wall

-almond joy coffee creamer
-chill pipe