Coop told me in the car today, "Blake said If I think I'm good at baseball, then I'll be good at baseball. If I think I'm bad at baseball, then I'll be bad at baseball...... He's wrong because I think I'm good at baseball, but I'm really not..."
I told Blake this and he said when he was picking him up from practice the other day, Coopers morale was down. Cooper was telling Blake how he's doing great at catching, but he can't make contact hitting the baseball....hence, Blake giving the Coopster some brotherly advice. SO CUTE! I can totally see them both in the car having this conversation. What a precious moment between brothers....even if he was wrong!
I am grateful for these bonding moments between brothers. I hear Chase and Cooper laughing, playing, and screwing off all the time. That will never get old. I will always hear that in my head. They are so lucky to have each other. And, I am so lucky to witness it.
That is so sweet! Great advice too!