Oct 3, 2011

Everything I need to know....I learned on YouTube!

Seriously, who needs a teacher? The boys come running up, all sweaty, in ninja garb, asking if they can make ninja stars (I seem to be missing some chopsticks that were used to make nunchucks). They had been making their own ninja costumes earlier with t-shirts, belts and football pants.

Just a few of their ventures.....

**Ninja stars...

**Duct tape wallets...


**How to do a 360 on a scooter...

**How to do a kick flip on a skateboard...

**How to remove and bury a dead body (the size of your older brother) without anyone noticing or suspecting anything...you know, the usual. Cooper has been asking how many days until Blake gets to move out? You can just feel the love around here.

Now, if I can just get them to youtube, "how to do your own laundry, make dinner, clean up, and give your mom a massage." Yes, I would like all of that in one video please.

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