Jun 22, 2011

You've got that "ness"

I love the movie "You, Me, and Dupree" where Owen Wilson is describing what "ness" is. He says, "you've got that 'ness'...it's your name...with 'ness'." I think that is the best way to describe what it means to be in your element. So, I would have Missyness:) See how good that sounds! There was a time where I did not have "ness." When I had the shop, it was the worst two years of my life. It was all I could do to survive....I was not in my element nor could recognize my purpose as a mom, friend, sister, wife, human being...not in any aspect of my life. I truly, TRULY wanted to die. I remember sitting in the shop with my Dad, crying, saying, "I'm just lost! I don't have what it takes, I can't get back to who I am!" All the struggles and sacrifices Curt and I had made to get to where we were (school, career, home, financially) and in that one decision to quit teaching and purchase a business almost blew everything. Since I was 17, Curt 19, we were "on our own" and made our way for ourselves. Luckily, I was able to get out of it (not the way I would have intended) but am genuinely grateful for being able to sell our house/farm, make a profit, get back to teaching, etc. and find my "ness" again.

My point, I will never forget that state of being, for two reasons. 1) Now I know what it takes for me to endure and value my "ness." 2) Everyone will be in that state at some point, in one aspect or another, in their life. People who you care and/or interact with. Knowing that, I am more likely to be empathetic and not judge those who may be struggling with their "ness":) Guess what my Dad (and the people who care about me) did? Nothing. They couldn't. It has to come from the source....yourself. All they could do was simply be there to listen, empathize, and not judge. I can't tell you what that did for me. It doesn't matter if it's their fault, someone else's, mother nature, whatevs....it's life. If you're in that state now....it will pass, so don't do anything rash;) Be patient (I hate it when people say that to me, I really need to figure that word out).

I have been thinking about this a lot lately. Going through these Masters classes, I have realized something valuable. I love my job....it's where my "ness" is.....next to being a Mom. I may not be the best teacher in every sense of the word, but I know and love kids for everything they have to offer. An author describes it as The Dance-"The old empower the young with experience and the young empower the old with new life."-Parker Palmer. Good stuff.

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