I don't remember Blake or Chase asking as many questions as Coop does about God, Jesus, life, death, etc.... Many times my answer is, "that is a great question Coop, I will get back to you on that one." He's 7! My gosh kid, how does this go on in your head? How do you have time?:) We have people over once a week (try) and we've been hammering through the story of Jesus....getting to know who he is. Ya think you know someone?:) Let me tell you how much can be learned through the life of that man. Amazing stuff. Anyway, Jared and Stephanie moved here a year ago with their baby girl Fayth. They are like family to us and we immediately created a bond/community with them. Jared (a Pastor) was talking about his love for Jesus and how that motivates him in his life to be a disciple...blah blah blah:) He said, "God is my first love, he comes first, even before my wife. I love God more than Steph, and she knows that." Coop overheard us and later said to me "Mom, Jared said he loves God more than Steph....," (as if there were need for concern). Regardless, that opened up a can of worms for Cooper. Last night, we were snuggling in my bed and he started with the question, "So, why do people love Jesus? Like, why was it him? And, how did they know?" He wasn't asking because he doubts his love or knowledge of Jesus, it was more like 'how did Jesus and his life/death directly affect us?' The answers are pretty intense, which make the question pretty deep. We talked about it for awhile and it ended with the question, "where exaclty is heaven then?" "Where did earth come from?" And, "where did God come from?" All good questions son.....all good questions. Let me know when you find out that last one:)
I could only wish that I was capable of asking these questions at that age. I didn't start questioning until I had Blake and had to figure shit out for MYSELF real quick like ......still am. It's freedom knowing that I can have that relationship, no restrictions, middle man, checklist, or guilt. My hope for my kids is that they do exactly what Cooper is doing....critically quesitoning to explore possibilities to know who Jesus is.
Cute Fayth....SHE'S 2 TODAY!
We love this girl....She's 2 and teaches us all so much!
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