About 6,700ft. in elevation! Great hike and view....for those who could actually look at it. I seriously am afraid of heights (moreso falling from heights), it was steep and I will have nightmares...Im not joking. Curtis had to hold my hand most of the way and if anyone even came close to the side I felt as if I would pass out!
Everyone else was kidding here......Not ME! That's how I felt. I know my truth.....:) In all fairness two people died last year....soooo, ya.
6 crazy boys! Seriously, trouble! Blake, Chase, Cooper, Butch, Trey, and Morgan
Coop and his Daddy
Soper's and the Cleveringa's, inside the cave.....SO AWESOME!
We had a wonderful guide, learned some interesting things, and heard some great stories. Cooper, of course, asked a LOT of questions.
It was a tight (short?) squeeze in some parts for the Blakster:)
My Man!
Rockin the hat Coop....Rockin the hat!
We walked to Cascade Springs before heading to the cave
Check out the Moose! We saw deer, lizzards, fish, squirrels.....all kinds of wildlife happen'in. There was even a rattlesnake on the trail exiting the cave. Making S'mores at Uncle Kevin and Aunt Connie's campsite. Best camping EVER! It's no Ohanapecosh....but, we stay til 10pm, play games, fish, nap, sit by the fire, go home, sleep in our beds wake up at 8am, drive 20 minutes have breakfast.....and that's camping:)
The boys took the Joyner for a ride. When they came back, Kevin was acting all nervous and weird to me. Afterwards the boys said Kevin goes, "uummm how about we DON'T talk about this to your Mom." Haha
Apparently Coop got thrown out at 15mph...he has scrapes, rashes and cuts all over his body, elbow and leg...It's a good thing his Daddy can take care of that stuff, I can't handle it. Today, Curt was gone so I had to assuage the situation and Cooper kept on saying, "Maybe we should ask Daddy....I want Dad to do it.....He knows how to do this stuff." I agree. A heartfelt kudos go out to all single parents.
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