I recall when Blake would make Curt and I sit in the living room, opposite sides, in sports paraphernalia, and announce his name when he comes running out in his basketbll jersey. If we didn't yell/cheer right.....we had to do it over. It continued on through the 1st qrt., 2nd qrt., half time (I may have had to perform a few times:), 3rd quarter and finally, 4th. We powered through THE WHOLE GAME, in our tiny apartment living room. That was the life! We laugh about it all the time and love it.
I recall when Chase was soooooo excited for his first little league baseball game (6). He layed his uniform out the night before....literally, like a person. He was up, dressed in full (including cup) by 6am. We headed out to the game at 5:30. They go through the lineup and when it's his teams turn to take the field, Chase runs out to center field, ready as can be. We see him dancing around and imitating himself catching the ball. When they come back in to bat, Chase runs to me and says "I need new pants." Me-"why?" Chase, "I didnt want to come out, I pee'd these ones." This is a boy who potty trained himself by 2!! His pants were drenched. Mind you, he had baseball socks that went up past his thighs that soaked up the majority of it. We didn't know whether to laugh or.....????...... I guess you just laugh at that. Right? I mean, what choice do you have? Gotta love that committment.
And now, Coopers first Jr. Jazz basketball game. He has been talking about it for weeks. Got his clothes ready early this morning, started stretching out hours before and did lines in the hall at the gym to impress his coach. He made a couple baskets and was so proud of himself. On the way home he goes "it's not about winning or losing, it's about having fun." And I replied, "maybe for now. That's not gonna cut it later buddy." Hah! Who's this coach filling his brain with such malarkey? LOL. It was so fun watching this little tyke enjoying himself. We were thinking that they all look so happy and are having fun. When do we screw them up? Where does it go awry? Quite the conundrum...