Blake turned 15 this past week! This is a big one for me for whatever reasons. He is such an awesome guy. I love being around him...mostly because he gets my humor. We laugh all the time. He also has great friends and is enjoying basketball. I love watching him play. Blake takes care of business, is the only way I can explain it. I never have to keep on him about schedules, school work, household responsibilities, or anything really. You know how parents usually want to create things or prepare their children for what's best for them? I, on the other hand, do my best to not screw him up!
We went to Chases first basketball game this season too. It will be fun watching him grow as a player too. He asks his dad about plays and wants to know what to do when. He is the cutest darn thing ever. He has an adorable face, with his pretty boy hair, and personality to match. He does think he can get away with just his innocent smile...doesn't work well with me though. The boy doesn't think things through! Really. Or, doesn't care. Either way, goes to show how easy going he is and can roll with anything. He and Cooper play all the time! And, by play I mean wrestle, chase, pile pillows and jump over, throw down stairs, off couch, etc. You get where Im going with this. They have love/hate thing going on. since it snowed...they have played for hours outside. They made their own ramps and have perfected jumps. How they stand the cold and still have fun is a mystery to me.
Cooper is so funny. You can't make this stuff up. He comes up with the craziest stuff. Like, last year, he wanted an eye patch for Christmas. This year, a diamond?? You gotta love it. He was getting ready to go outside (below freezing) with just a hoodie jacket. I go "Coop you need to where something warmer, go get your big coat." He replies, "mooooooom, but that coat makes me look fat! I can't move quickly." I guess he needed a fast getaway at some point that day. Another one: He lost a toy that he found at to school, or whatever (ironic, not even his toy to begin with). So, Chase somehow comes up with it, said he found it on the bus. Cooper goes "No! Chase, I let you find it. I saw it laying on the ground first and let you get it later! So give it back!" We were driving to Chases game and Coop goes "hey this is the way where I go to the gym with Beth (his sitter when she works out)." I go Oh, what's it called? He gets a look on his face like what are you? stupid or something? and sais "gym." I really should write more down. You think you won't forget them, but you do.
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