Jan 4, 2015

How can it be?

How can it be that every year we feel the need to make a new year's resolution? We all know how "resolutions" pan out. Except for Chase....he did make it one year without soda. Good for him. But, it's human nature. No, it's American society's nature to make a claim, designate a date, then a goal, and proceed with rigor....until we make an excuse, change our mind, find something else, realize it wasn't exactly what you needed in your life....whatever it may be and forget about it...until next year.

I will have to say that one resolution that hasn't failed me and is more sustainable is to be intentional in living out the love of Christ. Some of the typical language that I hear for this resolution would sound like..."to commit to Christ", "dedicate your life", "give your life to", or "live for God"....whatever you want to call it. I never have latched on to any of those. For the past 5-7 years I've latched more onto the language of "being intentional". So, that's how I will refer to this resolution.

Whatever you call it, or whatever platform you use, it's hard to do in the midst of daily interactions, responsibilities, work, family, and in public. I don't always fulfill it...because I am human. I have flaws, I screw up or lose focus sometimes. I get angry and hurt. So, how can it be? Unlike making a resolution to go to the gym, pay a membership, buy the shoes, make better food choices, and then take a week off because I got busy, then say, "well, I've already ruined that so what's the point in continuing?"..... and that being the end of the resolution. What's cool about this is, He will never fail you! You may fail you and other's may fail you (because we all know somehow it's Curt's fault;) but Jesus doesn't. How can it be? You can gain 20lbs (I know from experience) and He will still be there to keep you good on your word. Again, how can it be?

I can claim my new year resolution to be intentional in showing the love of Christ and I can have a bad day, be crumby to someone, and I am still good on my word, my resolution. How can this be? It's simple and it's called GRACE. I would NOT be able to use my platform as an educator or do this job without it. The misunderstanding is that it doesn't mean I'm off the hook and am not held accountable. It simply means, my life, as a whole has purpose. All of these pieces (good and bad) are necessary for me to build an immunity. I love my life of intention. In using my failed workout comparison, it means I could skip my run for a day or week, eat all the nachos I want, and not gain l pound.... because my body is immune to fat, carbs, sugar, and all that crap.....because of Jesus and the gift of grace. My response to my bad day or behavior would be to try again, pray, ask for forgiveness, ask for guidance, or show love and acceptance to someone who you know doesn't feel it often, if at all. You know these people because the symptoms are seen on their face, you hear it in their words/expression, you experience it in their behavior, and are probably the reasons you "ate 3 plates of nachos". They are not immune. They have to be infected over and over again with the love of Christ so they can build up an immunity to all the crumminess too. How cool to have a workplace, a family, a church, or community that is totally infected AND immune. How can it be?

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