Apr 15, 2017


We went to Victoria BC, which is one of my new fave places, for a little getaway during Spring break. We walked the shops and I had to stop at the Roots store....to get a  ROOTS T-shirt, obvi. How perfect. As I sat down to blog this morning..... prompted by Curt and I coming home to find cooper reading posts from our blog. We were laughing at the videos, reminiscing with "remember whens" and looking at the pictures.....I reflected on the growth. When Curt and I headed to bed, we both said, "how did that happen so fast?" Our little boys, now teens and a young adult! Oh, the growth my friends....oh, the growth.

One of the things Ive been asking myself during our moves is, can we say we have roots? When we meet new people and they ask, "where are you from?" I feel like I have to give them the whole spiel.....because we aren't JUST from Zillah/Yakima, or Utah, and then back to WA. Our career isn't JUST based on where we spent the last two years. We don't JUST move from places because we don't want to be there anymore. In fact, we have loved each experience and have learned and grown within each experience. We have been sad about leaving friends, family, jobs, relationships, teams, and fave activities, food, and entertainment spots.....all have created such rich and vivid memories that have molded us. These are our roots.

....I LOVE trees....all kinds. I love what they represent, I love their meaning, I love they beauty, I love what they provide, I love the environment they create, I love their change, their growth....all of it. I am so in love with the PNW because of this very reason. Most of all, I love what you can't see.....their roots. Their roots are what allows them to have all those characteristics that I love about them. When you see a tree, you don't wonder what their roots look like, or how far they extend, or the soil they are embedded in, or other roots they are intertwined with.....you don't know their spiel.

As we took this new journey, moving to Olympia... new jobs, new school/teams for the boys, new home and community.... I am reflecting on our roots and what we have created for our family. Having roots doesn't mean you have to be stationary or "from" a certain place. Having roots mean that we have experiences and paths that extend below the surface, where others may not see.

I am happy for the moments that strengthen our roots....

Feb 8, 2017

Im working on it!!!

I felt this was a good title, because it relates to literally everything in my life right now.....

Another move-house, transitions, area? Im working on it!
New jobs? Im working on it!
Home in tact? Im working on it!
Marriage? Im working on it!
Being there for the boys? Im working on it!
Physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy? Im working on it!
Engage in new school/community/relationships? Im working on it!
Family and Friends? Im working on it!

It's a good thing we have this thing called grace. Because..... I need it..... Im a work in progress. Sometimes receiving grace is hard to do. It's hard to believe and sometimes I allow doubt and fear to influence my "work in progress". That is not what is intended for me, or anyone. What is intended is a clear mind, free of guilt, fear, and doubt... and filled with the Spirit in love, trust, and grace.

I know that where I am at now, I am relying on the strength, faith, and influence of others who have been placed to speak life into my "work in progress." I am grateful for these people during this time. In times of worry and doubt, I repeat and read this prayer that a friend (one of "my highest people") shared with me, to fill my mind with the good. I hope it can help you in the midst of any fears and doubt and worry you may have.

"What are you trying to teach me through this? 
How can I glorify you during this time? I need you God, I need
your help. I need your comfort. I need your wisdom. I need
you to sustain me and help me find joy in the midst of the frustration
and the uncertainty. I can't do it without you. I know you are there and 
that you are faithful and that Im never alone. I trust you. I love you.
and I am thankful." 

Reading that does 3 important things for me. It 1) fills my mind with the good, not the bad. 2) reminds me that I need to be able to listen to follow the path intended for me. 3) assures me that I have the highest of people around me, speaking words of life. 

I am grateful for the space between these moments when I am "working on it!" Be happy for this moment, this moment is your life. 

Jan 4, 2015

How can it be?

How can it be that every year we feel the need to make a new year's resolution? We all know how "resolutions" pan out. Except for Chase....he did make it one year without soda. Good for him. But, it's human nature. No, it's American society's nature to make a claim, designate a date, then a goal, and proceed with rigor....until we make an excuse, change our mind, find something else, realize it wasn't exactly what you needed in your life....whatever it may be and forget about it...until next year.

I will have to say that one resolution that hasn't failed me and is more sustainable is to be intentional in living out the love of Christ. Some of the typical language that I hear for this resolution would sound like..."to commit to Christ", "dedicate your life", "give your life to", or "live for God"....whatever you want to call it. I never have latched on to any of those. For the past 5-7 years I've latched more onto the language of "being intentional". So, that's how I will refer to this resolution.

Whatever you call it, or whatever platform you use, it's hard to do in the midst of daily interactions, responsibilities, work, family, and in public. I don't always fulfill it...because I am human. I have flaws, I screw up or lose focus sometimes. I get angry and hurt. So, how can it be? Unlike making a resolution to go to the gym, pay a membership, buy the shoes, make better food choices, and then take a week off because I got busy, then say, "well, I've already ruined that so what's the point in continuing?"..... and that being the end of the resolution. What's cool about this is, He will never fail you! You may fail you and other's may fail you (because we all know somehow it's Curt's fault;) but Jesus doesn't. How can it be? You can gain 20lbs (I know from experience) and He will still be there to keep you good on your word. Again, how can it be?

I can claim my new year resolution to be intentional in showing the love of Christ and I can have a bad day, be crumby to someone, and I am still good on my word, my resolution. How can this be? It's simple and it's called GRACE. I would NOT be able to use my platform as an educator or do this job without it. The misunderstanding is that it doesn't mean I'm off the hook and am not held accountable. It simply means, my life, as a whole has purpose. All of these pieces (good and bad) are necessary for me to build an immunity. I love my life of intention. In using my failed workout comparison, it means I could skip my run for a day or week, eat all the nachos I want, and not gain l pound.... because my body is immune to fat, carbs, sugar, and all that crap.....because of Jesus and the gift of grace. My response to my bad day or behavior would be to try again, pray, ask for forgiveness, ask for guidance, or show love and acceptance to someone who you know doesn't feel it often, if at all. You know these people because the symptoms are seen on their face, you hear it in their words/expression, you experience it in their behavior, and are probably the reasons you "ate 3 plates of nachos". They are not immune. They have to be infected over and over again with the love of Christ so they can build up an immunity to all the crumminess too. How cool to have a workplace, a family, a church, or community that is totally infected AND immune. How can it be?

Dec 7, 2014

"Well done, thou good and faithful servant."

Is it yet? It's not. So I'm good, right? I totally made it before the one year mark of my last post. I'm sad about it because so much has changed in these short 11 months. These are the times I wish I had documented as there have been many thoughts, decisions, risks, tears (of joy, frustration, sadness, gratefulness, and so on), prayers, and growth as a family. There is no way I can capture all these moments into one post. I am just going to begin by answering what seems like the question of the ages, but for the immediate purpose suits our journey....WHY ARE WE HERE? Why are we here in Washington? Living in Montesano? Working in Taholah? We both had good jobs, lived near family and great friends, part of sports teams, and enjoyed the beauty and fruits of the mountains. Oh how the boys miss snowboarding and cousins. So....why are we here?

Opportunity. Opportunities to embrace and opportunities to give. I have to start with the opportunity to embrace. Had our friend and mentor in Washington not followed his belief and dedication to opportunity, he would never have been able to offer us ours. Our story, or opportunity, starts with a need in one of the schools/districts in which he works with at the state level. He talks of this community, on a reservation, on the coast, not much infrastructure, but pure beauty in all aspects. Immediately, we were hooked. The appeal was opportunity. It was a chance for us to embrace and use our positions as educators and be of service to others.

Curtis's daily mantra to me in the past has been, "it's a great day to make a difference in the life of a child." Both of us knowing and feeling like it was somewhat of a sarcastic mantra. I mean, we lived in a place where we see students who come from seemingly thriving families and situations, in general.  I say "seemingly" because I realize that we all have our thing, but using Matthew 25 as a reference, these are folks who have been given the "5 talents" and they use it! We were feeling like while this is a place with an abundance of students and families, which is what we are in the business of reaching, we may not be making the best use of our "talents" here. Not saying that there isn't opportunity wherever you are, just saying, "Are we where we are suppose to be at this time?"

Matthew 25:20-21 
20 And so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents saying, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me five talents: behold, I have gained beside them five talents more. 21 His lord said unto him, well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things. I will make you ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. 

We want to be able to share and multiply what has been given to us. Sitting in church today listening to the references from Matthew.....something stood out to me. Jesus went to the seemingly insignificant populations. He befriended and sought the seemingly insignificant individuals. He came into this world in one of the most insignificant places, Bethlehem. Why not Jerusalem? I thought about why we are here. This place is anything but insignificant to me, but I can see how one could bury their "talents" due to life circumstances.

Which leads me to the giving part.We are here to provide others the opportunity to use their "talents"....and multiply them. I have also found that it's not just in efforts towards our students...but their families, our coworkers, and the communities we are a part of. It's been a struggle, I'm not going to downplay that. I mess up and may lose focus daily. I ask myself everyday, "What the heck am I doing here?  Am I doing what I was led here to do? Or, am I totally screwing this opportunity up? I don't know!" But, what I do know is, I am suppose to be here and I will pray like crazy for the guidance to serve in the best way I know how.

Since this was a family decision and we all sacrificed the comforts we were used to, I can't forget to mention the talents and opportunities given to our boys. They realize the opportunities that have been given to them and are grateful for them everyday. I am so proud of them and who each one of them are. Each one uses their talents to serve those around them and they don't even know it.

Matthew 25
29 For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath. 

Cooper said in the car, "I wonder what I would say to God when I see him." My response was something I think about often..."I wonder what he will say to me!" I hope it's something like, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant." Sometimes I picture it as if I were in line at a club and Jesus calls out to the bouncer..."Oh! Hey Missy! it's ok, she's with me, I know her." You can look at it either way:)

Today, I am happy for this moment of opportunity. 

Feb 10, 2014

Chaser's B-day

Chase is so rad. I don't think there is anything that he has tried that he can't do. He just picks up a skateboard, bmx bike, snowboard, wakeboard, baseball bat/glove….and he's off! I love to see what he comes up with next, he's amazing. I just love him. Chase has the most easy-going personality and just rolls with it. Chase, Cooper and I had a birthday date at his fave place, Wingers. The next day, he chose to go snowboarding with his cousins. They have been going just about every week. They have such a good time together. I am so grateful that they have this opportunity.

Happy 14th Birthday Chase! 

Let the Break Begin!

We always look forward to Christmas break at our house. We get to do what we want, when we want! We spent the break sledding, snowboarding, and having a constant flow of family and friends over for games, food, and fun!

Thanksgiving 2013

I guess it's been awhile? But, never too late to do some catching up. Im sure I've had some spare time to blog in the last 3 months…but it sure doesn't feel like it! I love a busy life.

This Thanksgiving we made the trek to WA…..all of us….wait, not Blake. Kinda a sad moment for us.  I hope it's not a sign of the time…that we will always be missing someone on our family trips. Regardless, we still had a great time visiting family and good friends.

Oct 7, 2013

Cooper and Football

Two things I know were destined to be together. Playing baseball, Coop says, "Mom, what do you do when you're just not good at it?" So, he was done with that. Playing basketball Coop says, "Mom, why do they keep calling fouls on me?" I reply, "Well, you can't tackle them honey." So, he was done with that. "How about we play football?" Winning! Not the team, they stink, but Coop loves it and is working hard and improving with each game. I love watching him. I love football.

Moving On...

Blakes off to new experiences. It's been a true definition of bitter sweet.

What would a send off be without a homemade sushi night? I will miss our impromptu dates.

 When I came home from work.....this is what I came home to....emptiness :(

 Curtis was able to be home and see our boy off:)

As well as these two rascals on their first day of school.....love.

Aug 12, 2013

Sand Hollow

I LOVE, LoVe, lOvE, love, this place.....St. George. The heat, water, red rock, and palm trees are totally my style:) This is our last family vacation before Blake goes to school! Five minutes into the drive and we didn't think we would make it without killing eachother:) To top it off, Blake got sick (food poisoning?) and was completely out the whole day! Still, we made some more memories together.

 18 yr Anniversary! Wow